Stellarium web online star map
Stellarium web online star map

NASA does the Messier list with some of the best images ever taken of each object! Descriptions and some finder charts (somewhat crude but useful). Sea and Sky’s reference page on the Messier List. Go Astronomy’s Messier page - nice whole sky map, descriptions, and images. Spanel Planetarium’s Messier guide - nice images. Wikipedia has the full NGC list built-in! Nice Messier list with images, descriptions, and cross-links to other related data. has a nice NGC with data, images, visibility for various locations, etc. SEDS database of the NGC 0 search and find - cross-links to more data. Emil Ivanov’s NGC list - nice reference News Skys has a nice NGC list where you can see lots of different images taken of a selected item.

stellarium web online star map stellarium web online star map

Wikipedia does a really nice job of covering the Caldwell Catalog! Bernards Catalog Nasa’s version of the Caldwell Catalog - some of the best images you will ever see of these objects! The IC version of Emil Ivanov’s reference.

stellarium web online star map

A nice site dedicated to Sharpless and the objects in his list has an online listing of Barnard objects - one of the very few that I have seen.

Stellarium web online star map